Friday, January 20, 2006

New York Shorts

The doorman to my office building in Manhattan is a 31-year-old Puerto Rican guy named Angel who lives with his mother downtown, because his wife left him three months ago. He says that she chose her career as a manager at a CVS drugstore over him and his daughter. Angel has been terrified of airplanes ever since he saw the second one hit the World Trade Center when he was working down near there in 2001. It's really sad, because he doesn't see how he'll ever be able to visit his family in Puerto Rico again. Angel makes $40,000/year, which he says is not enough to cover rent, child support, food, and other expenses.

Angel always hits on the cash register girl at the deli on the corner. She's blond, busty and Russian, and alternately petulant and sultry. Her sister has a child Asher's age, and they live in Brighton Beach. She always tells me about the kid-friendly restaurants I should take Asher to down there. The cash register girl(who won't divulge her name and shall be henceforth known as TCRG) told me with a conspiratorial whisper this morning that she's taking prerequisite courses so that she can go back to school for a career in show business. TCRG told me not to tell anyone, but I don't think she'd mind me sharing her secret with you.


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