Tomorrow, I head to exciting Grand Rapids for my semi-annual warmfuzzy with an unnamed regional big box retailer that will sell you groceries, garden hoses and Shania Twain CD's. I don't know about their grocery and garden hose businesses, but lately, their Shania sales have been a little light.
I used to like plane rides, because it was mental time off - no emails or phone calls to answer. No critical conversations to have, and no real work to be done. My M.O. would be to slap down eight bucks for the biggest piece of paperback pulp garbage the airport would sell me, and slide into some sort of pseudo-science or courtroom thriller for the duration of the flight. Now, in the time it takes to get from LaGuardia to Michigan, I'm on the hook for a bunch of December budget documents and a presentation. My 45 minute layover in Detriot will be filled with a phone meeting. With any time left, I might actually work on a graduate admissions essay. Yeah, right.
Weather report for Grand Rapids - Low 30s and sleet.