Friday, August 15, 2008

This Just In: Life Not Easy

Roughly a week after our mortgage was approved for the new place, we got word that our buyer's mortgage (i.e., the people who are buying our current apartment) was NOT approved. That means we very well may have to put our current place back on the market, and incur uncounted months carrying two mortgages. Time will tell.

* * *

Sarah's got a gig with the Museum of Jewish Heritage that is exceeding the number of childcare hours available to us. Accordingly, I'm burning through a few days' vacation time to hang with the kids.

Yesterday, Asher and I went into ABC News for about three hours. Things were fine until he got bored with his second DVD and started singing (in his best three-year-old high-volume voice) random words for the entire floor to hear. Later, I took Leah to the doctor for some shots (not fun).

Today, I worked from home for three early morning hours, bought a hundred bucks of kosher meat, took Asher to the transit museum, cooked a kick-ass dinner, put out fires on blackberry all day, un-fucked a budget situation, drank a half bottle of wine AND cleaned the kitchen. Twice.

I am the lizard king. I can do anything.

And now I'm going to watch West Wing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, hell, if you can do anything, I've got an electrical problem here that needs to be fixed...want to give it a shot?

West Wing....great show. Speaking of, Danica McKeller (Winnie Cooper) was in town for a book signing.


11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to watch the west wing so badly right now. No time any more

1:30 AM  

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