A Day in the LifeWoke up. Got out of bed…
Managed to grab a shower before Asher started his day. When I got into his room around 6, he was involved in a light conversation with his feet, and squealed delightfully at my arrival. I changed him, turned him over to Sarah for his breakfast, and went to the computer to check email and morning news. CNN had the story that Peter Jennings passed away last night, and I broke it to Sarah who works at ABC’s World News Tonight. She’d only worked directly with Peter a few times, but he’d been a commanding presence over the minutiae of every broadcast right up until he left the set four months ago with cancer.
I put my iPod on – Mojave 3 this morning – and headed out on my 5 minute walk to the subway. The Q line, 7th avenue stop.
Surfaced at Union Square, and went to the deli around the corner from my office on Park and 20th for a coffee.
I unlocked the office at 7am. Mondays and Tuesdays, I’m the first one there. Since Sarah works from 11-7:30pm on those days, I have to leave at 4pm to pick Asher up from her parents’ house and get him home in time for bed.
Work was relatively calm, given all the crap that’s been going down there lately. F ’06 revenue planning is done – at least this phase. A freelancer is prettying up one of the two presentations we’re giving at a conference in San Diego this week. My boss was tweaking the other one, and we reviewed it at 12:15pm. Prior to that, I took care of miscellaneous stuff and worked on the Apple presentation. Lunch was a $3.25 tekka roll from that same corner deli.
Spoke with Sarah briefly in the middle of the day. She said it was a really, really sad day at work. Peter worked very closely with a lot of folks there, and had earned a tremendous amount of professional respect over the years.
I blew out of the office 15 minutes late, after a meeting with my boss’s boss that ran over. Read a chapter of Thomas Friedman’s new book on the subway out to Forest Hills to pick Asher up. God, I hate that guy's style. His topics are damn interesting, and his conclusions insightful, though.
Sarah’s mom was in the backyard with Asher when I arrived. She was just about to give him a bottle, so I sat down and chatted with her. She talked a bit about a funeral that Sarah’s father had been to today. A second cousin named Annie committed suicide last Friday. She was young – 22 or 23. A musician. Never went to college. Was raised by her grandparents Izzy and Sonia on the upper east side. I never met her.
A lot of death today.
Which is perhaps why it felt especially good that Asher broke into a wide smile when he saw me, and erupted into peals of laughter when Sarah’s mom passed him off to me. Sort of a “Cassidy” moment, for you Grateful Dead fans out there.
Asher and I drove home, alternating between a Donald Byrd CD, Air America, and NPR, which was running a piece on Muslims in TV dramas, followed by something on Illinois’ failing pension plan.
Bath, bottle and bed were thankfully uneventful.
Dinner was chicken, couscous and broccoli from last night. Sarah walked in the door at 8:30, emotionally drained. It’s 10:30 now. She’s been asleep for 30 minutes.
Not a bad day for me. Mondays and Tuesdays are always mercifully mellow because of the easy work hours.