Debate Thoughts
Here are some random thoughts about last night's Presidential debates on ABC:
One pot shot at Romney was enough. The rest just made the shooters (esp. McCain) look stupid.
Despite the statement above, someone should be measuring Romney for his coffin. The guy's finished.
Ron Paul was the only grown-up on stage during the Republican debate. I'm not one of those Paul-ites by any stretch, but the man is refreshing and intelligent. He's not beholden to the politics of fear, nor is he bound by theocratic ideals. Too bad he's against public education, and public everything else for that matter.
Why is Fred Thompson in this race?
Did anyone count how many times Guiliani mentioned 9/11?
Someone made Huckabee do his homework on foreign policy. Finally.
Senator Clinton had the best answer when it came to questions of nuclear proliferation.
Obama looks Presidential. And sounds it, too. Loved his response when Clinton unloaded all the oppo research: "That's a legitimate policy dispute we have. There's no need to go distorting each other's records." Talk about deflecting.
All pundits' comments about Clinton's "shrill" response to the Obama/Edwards double-team are bullshit. She *has* been getting her hands dirty with progressive issues for 35 years. She *has* been around the block. And her response was not shrill; it was very crisp, and exactly what was called for.
Despite the statement above, I still don't think she's got my vote, the nomination, or the Presidency. There's too much bad blood with the media, too much fatigue with the public, and too little, well, inspiration there.
Labels: Politics
Isaac - what are your thoughts on John Edwards?
Yes, Isaac, what ARE your thoughts on Edwards? Or are you going to ignore him entirely like all the pundits? Also, I truly did not like Clinton's petulant little "it hurts my feelings" pout, pout. She is better than that.
I disagree on Obama - I thought he sounded rather dud-like last night.
I thought Edwards seemed pretty lively and passionate in the first. Then I got annoyed that he kept saying the same thing over and over, despite the topic.
Re: Hillary's "shrill" response--I think it was more the voice/physical reaction than what she said that was problematic (the bulging eyes, the shouting). She seemed to lose control of herself for a minute---and the "hurt my feelings" bit later on seemed to be an attempt to repair that image. The "false hopes" and "reality check" stuff won't help her at all. That sort of gloominess is not what people are looking for.
Obama was rather dull, but (to me) came off better than the others, esp. since he doesn't really perform well in debates. I saw him in Salem, NH, yesterday and he was really good. He responded to some of Clinton's attacks from the night before--too bad he didn't do so IN the debate, though.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to voting for Obama on SuperDuperTuesday. Good luck with your decision!
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