Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve - Tired Parent Style

I've rung in the new year in Paris, Madrid, and Amsterdam.

I've thrown and attended crazy New Year's parties with all forms of hedonism you'd think possible of a liberal-but-not-stupid straight white guy.

I've seen some great live music. I've been to some most excellent, decadent bourgeois, dinner parties to mark the beginning of a new year.

Tonight, I'm going to try to get both kids to bed by 8pm, myself to bed by 10pm, and prey we all sleep through the night.

Tomorrow, we're having some other tired parents over for brunch where we might have the obligatory mamosa.


Blogger Shannon said...

Happy New Year Isaac.

I have a had a few of those tired New Years myself. I am shooting for midnight tonight but I don't know if I can make it.

I think I am finally making those NYC plans for this May. I am meeting my friend Sunny out there. Maybe we can say hi!

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Well stated commentary on the "toll" that parenthood takes on New Year's. Not that I mind. Although I've had some wonderful new year's eves -- for years, it was a great night to get together with the same set of friends who I rarely saw otherwise; I got engaged on New Year's eve; and I attended a soiree at the Kennedy Center another year -- I've generally found it to be an overrated night. This year? We hung out with the baby, watched some football and a Law and Order rerun, saw the ball drop, and went to bed.

11:22 PM  

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