Thursday, December 27, 2007

Not Exactly a Vacation Destination

After Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, I spent some time reading up on Pakistani politics. That place is a very scary political mess, and has been for a generation.

  • Aside from an almost constant state of war with India, there was a military coup in 1956, a civil war in 1971, another coup in 1979 that resulted in the death of Bhutto's father - the prime minister of the time, and a third military coup in 1999.

  • It's got this 10,000 square mile region of territory (the Federally Administered Tribal Areas) that it is technically responsible for, but can barely control. A portion of this territory called Waziristan is where Osama Bin Laden is thought to be hiding.

    Oh yeah, and they've got about 50 poorly secured nuclear warheads.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I still think Bin Laden is hiding out at his house in the Hamptons....


    12:05 AM  

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