Quick Politics Post
It's becoming increasingly apparent that Guiliani cannot survive the Republican primaries. Fred Thompson smells like another Wesley Clark (flash without substance, weak-kneed in the face of a grueling national campaign), and Mitt Romney won't be able to sell himself to the voters no matter how much money he has. That leaves our friend McCain as the Republican nominee. An old, compromised and myopic McCain who will eventually be handed the nomination much like Dole got it in 1996 - simply because it was his turn at bat.
On the other side, Edwards is holding fast to pathetic soundbytes amidst accusations that he cut and run from the Senate and reversed his positions on nearly every important issue over the past four years. Obama's lack of experience is starting to show, and none of the second tier folks are breaking through. That leaves us with holy shit Hillary Clinton. She's smart. As Senator, she's proved to be a great ally of the inhabitants of New York State. Her negatives aren't going any higher (how could they?).
After all of this, is it possible we're going to end up right back where we thought we would when 2008 discussions first began - McCain vs. Clinton?
It's becoming increasingly apparent that Guiliani cannot survive the Republican primaries. Fred Thompson smells like another Wesley Clark (flash without substance, weak-kneed in the face of a grueling national campaign), and Mitt Romney won't be able to sell himself to the voters no matter how much money he has. That leaves our friend McCain as the Republican nominee. An old, compromised and myopic McCain who will eventually be handed the nomination much like Dole got it in 1996 - simply because it was his turn at bat.
On the other side, Edwards is holding fast to pathetic soundbytes amidst accusations that he cut and run from the Senate and reversed his positions on nearly every important issue over the past four years. Obama's lack of experience is starting to show, and none of the second tier folks are breaking through. That leaves us with holy shit Hillary Clinton. She's smart. As Senator, she's proved to be a great ally of the inhabitants of New York State. Her negatives aren't going any higher (how could they?).
After all of this, is it possible we're going to end up right back where we thought we would when 2008 discussions first began - McCain vs. Clinton?
Labels: Politics
My God, I think it IS possible. I really thought that someone else would be called up to the plate, but it seems like it could very well be Clinton and McCain- and I ma not sure what that means.
Lordy, this is as depressing a post as I've read in a long time. There's nowhere to turn!
Why are you so negative on Edwards? I really do think he may rise to the occasion. It's still early. And, as we all know, the inhabitants of New York State are not key swing voters. If they were, well, I'd be a much happier person. McCain worries me, if only because most people think of pre-2000 McCain and that might win over some moderates.
Astute observation. Of course, there's still time for a "second tier" candidate to break through for the Dems. Maybe Bill Richardson will step up?
McCain scares me. My very liberal aunt and uncle moved to Arizona last year and now have him as their Senator, and have expressed their like for him. Yet he is still anti-choice and hawkish and very much becoming a mainstream Republican -- or at least would have to in order to get the nomination. I hope that people wake up.
Also, there needs to be a little more press about the evolution question from the recent republican debate.
Edwards came off very poorly when George Stephanopolous threw some hard questions his way last Sunday. He's very articulate when he's allowed to be on message. But when someone tries to knock him off message with valid questions, it's a bad scene. And I'm not sure I like that.
Do you have a link to the show? I really find that surprising, as I know he is a smart trial lawyer and if it is one thing smart trial lawyers can do, it is handle tough questioning. I know I sound like I work for him or something, but I don't. I just really like him and think he has very innovative and challenging ideas for this country. I also think he has Clinton-esqu charm, which is good for voters.
The podcast is available on iTunes.
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