Thursday, May 17, 2007

I Love 24-Year-Olds

So, we're launching this new site to support this new show. It's all very high profile and high priority, and the like. Earlier this week, we had a meeting with the senior executives at ABC News about it. In the meeting were these two 24-year-old web-savvy guys who caught the ear of the CEO on another project, and were thus foisted upon us for this one.

In the course of the meeting, these guys did what young, intelligent guys who are unfettered by corporate culture often do: They said brash things in brash ways, and rubbed every executive the wrong way.

I thought it was awesome.

And then, I did what a smart boss (thanks, Bob Carr!) once did for me: I sat these guys down, helped them to understand where we were coming from on some of the things they thought were stupid, and acknowledged that they were right on other things. Now, they get it. I get it. And hopefully, we will all get a kick-ass site to support this new TV show. With their help, it might just be better and more quickly assembled than anything we could have done without them.



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