Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Crunch Time

8 a.m. - Movers come
1 p.m. - Close on the apartment

3 p.m. - Close on the 10th Avenue house
5 p.m. - Start work on house, Move in and cram all belongings into two rooms

2 p.m. - Conclude work on house, unpack. Welcome to Windsor Terrace.

Somewhere in there, I have work and parenting.

Monday, September 08, 2008

It's Not The Economy, Stupid

I just wrote this email to a friend who was asking me to help her out of these Palin-induced blues:

Unfortunately, I don't have anything for you. Other than this picture, nothing has made me smile since last Thursday.

It is as I feared. Obama keeps trying to make the campaign about issues. Every Democrat tries that. It's NOT FUCKING ABOUT ISSUES! Getting elected President in America is all about personality. And it doesn't even have to be about your personality as long as you (or your surrogates) can effectively lampoon your opponent's personality.

I hate to say this, but we need a thousand Keith Olbermans - loudmouthed jerks with at least some populist sensibility (ie, not Bill Maher), a big megaphone, and a real hard-on for good soundbytes.

We also need to get really, really good at righteous outrage at perceived personal attacks. If you say, "I can't BELIEVE Sarah Palin would stoop as low as to attack stay-at-home-moms" a million times, it does not matter if it's true. The media will cover it, and the McCain campaign will have to respond.
