Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Damn You, Netflix!

I have to watch The China Syndrome for class next week (yes, it's a lame assignment).

Every video store in Brooklyn and near my office has been put out of business by Netflix - and Netflix does not have The China Syndrome.

My only option appears to be paying for it on Amazon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love the video store on 7th and Carroll, still in business and catering to us Luddites who prefer brick and mortar...

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... how about the ol' NYPL, eh?

They seem to have it

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, go to the library. Did you forget about the library? Libraries are back and in a big way. In this Web World, libraries were once relegated to the dusty back shelves of our communities. Why go to a library when you can search the Web? But local public libraries, at least here in the 'burbs, have been transformed into cultural hubs of real value. My local public library, within walking distance of my home, is a popular destination for my whole family. From puppet shows to live music, the kids love it. On the rare occassion I can work from home and not have to babysit, I have made my way to the library, plopped down in one of the lounges, got a coffee and snack from the Starbucks-like cafe, jacked into the WiFi and worked in perfect harmony with others doing likewise around me. I'l also pick up a DVD or two from the full-blown media rental section...for free. It is nice to see one's tax dollars at work.

8:35 AM  
Blogger isaacjosephson said...

The Brooklyn Public library does not have it. The Brooklyn Public library does not have anything that you need. Even if their system says something is in, it's probably lost or stolen.

Amy, your video store does not have it.

I found a video store on the Upper West Side (near work) that has a VHS copy for six bucks. Six bucks??!!!

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should be able to get a NYPL card since you work in Manhattan. Also, I'm pretty sure that NYPL honors BPL cards, but you'd have to check on that; it's been a while.

For future reference and all.

3:00 PM  

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