Friday, October 26, 2007

Damn You Netflix - Redux

Seventeen video stores, four libraries and 3 big box retailers later, I've finally found a copy of The China Syndrome to watch for class. Now, if I can just get to Igor's video store in south Brooklyn by 6pm...

The thing that really baffles me is, this ain't Un Chien Andalou. It's a modern-day movie that broke box office records, was nominated for four Oscars, won at Cannes, and featured three silver screen super stars (Michael Douglas, Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon).

What the hell??!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say: yes, that's definitely a weird thing with this. And, frankly, I think you'd probably have had an easier time finding Un chien andalou (except maybe at a Blockbuster), which is canonical, for whatever that's worth. Less so with The China Syndrome, but yeah, hardly obscure. It's a twisted world we live in....

Anyway, I hope you at least like the freakin' movie.

11:24 PM  
Blogger APS said...

inspired by your quest for the movie...i rented it last night...aside from Michael Douglas looking like he's in the's a pretty "fun" movie. And I definitely recommend the extra footage/interviews.

11:28 AM  

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