Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Long Weekend Re-Cap

  • I took the train up to Boston for my friend Gail's wedding. Saw some old Northwestern friends and their offspring. Sarah and Asher stayed behind to fight off the residual effects of the boy's latest round of Coxsackie.

  • The train ride home took nearly seven hours, and featured fun events like an all-terrain vehicle in the middle of the tracks, a ripped up train engine, and a bridge that was stuck in the "up" position. Amtrak's solution was to put the passengers from the (oversold) dead train onto the (oversold) train that was (barely) transporting yours truly. Snack bar ran out of food. Bathrooms broke down. Hilarity ensued.

  • Asher's Coxsackie morphed into a cold complete with a croup cough and stuffed nose.

    My first class is tonight. My maintenance shift in the co-op (where I shop, not where I live) is tomorrow night. I'm out of clean shirts, and I have a zit the shape of Staten Island on my nose.

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