Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I've been meaning to post something revelatory or insightful about our recent trip to Springfield and Chicago - generally addressing the "You can never go home again" theme. But, time and motivation are slipping away, and really what it boils down to is, "You can't, and doesn't that suck?"

Now, here's some cheap eye candy.

My dad and Asher at the piano in Springfield

Pride of the Illinois State Fair - The Butter Cow (Yes, this is a life-sized butter sculpture of a cow)

Sarah and a sampling of one of the State Fair's many culinary delights

... And, some other goodies to be gotten just off Sangamon Avenue every August


Blogger isaacjosephson said...

Yes, as I recall, there are many large corn dogs on display at Market Days.

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So'd you get to play any Daisy Bingo? Maybe catch some tractor square dancing?

Hey, look at the bright side, it's not like you went to where your house used to be and found a convenience store in its place.



10:51 PM  
Blogger isaacjosephson said...

"You can never go home again - but you can shop there."

Yep, great scene.

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the "Sometimes Great Metaphors Fall from the Sky" desk:

The butter cow is hollow.


10:27 PM  

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