Thursday, July 17, 2008

Health Care Sucks Fa La La La

Four doctors of mine over the past two years have stopped accepting Cigna, the insurance offered by (family friendly) Disney.

I've had pink eye for two weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

as reimbursement decreases, you'll be seeing a lot of doc's move away from the insurance world and go out of network.

The physical therapist I work with gets about 1/3-1/2 reimbursed. I have a friend that's a chiropractor who receives $2/adjustment. That's not a typo, it shouldn't be $20 or $200.... $2. It costs him more to submit the forms to the insurance companies then he's getting back.

The docs are getting screwed which means they either have to stop taking insurance or start going for quantity over quality. In order to pay their $200K malpractice insurance, they have to see a crap load of people per day which means the consumer (patient) isn't getting quality healthcare anymore. Why is this happening????
1) ambulance chasing lawyers drive up the malpractice insurance
2) Insurance companies, while in theory, are altruistic and fabulous are now only concerned with making a profit. They raise the cost of insurance, decrease the amount of reimbursement, their profit line increases and their happy.

Meanwhile, you still have pink eye.


1:27 PM  
Blogger daharrin said...

From the recent release of approved jokes about Barack Obama:

3. A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Why the long face?" Barack Obama replies, "His jockey just lost his health insurance, which should be the right of all Americans."

I actually like #5 better:

5. A Christian, a Jew and Barack Obama are in a rowboat in the middle of the ocean. Barack Obama says, "This joke isn't going to work because there's no Muslim in this boat."


6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In what theory are insurance companies altruistic and fabulous? This is all solely the fault of an unregulated insurance market (unregulated due to their fabulous lobbyists). These companies have been posting record profits lately, even though med-mal claims have gone down. While there are some icky lawyers out there, there are also many procedural protections, you really can't file a frivolous lawsuit. And with the past 8 years of tort reform - a benchmark of the Bush Administration and their business/insurance allies - the opposite is actually true. Very many injured people, those whose doctors operated on the wrong limb, or whose pharmacy gave the wrong medicine to their sick kid, etc, can not get their day in court anymore. The crisis in health insurance in this country lies squarely with the insurance companies and their cyclical investment cycles. There is plenty of academic literature on this, some supported wholeheartedly BY the medical community as well - a recent article in JAMA comes to mind. I can provide citations, if necessary. Ambulance chasing lawyers and frivolous lawsuits were terms coined by Karl Rove in Texas during the last "crisis," which coincided with the same cyclical investment period.

2:36 PM  

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