Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'm back!

First, the obligatory Asher shot, taken at my parents' house in Springfield, IL:

Here's a quick rundown of my incredibly tame (because, what can you do with a 5-month-old?) trip:

Four gripping days in the town that raised me

Best music experience: Hurdling down Veteran's Parkway in a rented Chevy Impala (Florida plates to make me feel that much more geriatric), listening to the local classic rock station tick off the greats, one after another - Steve Miller, Journey, Bad Company, Rush (Steve Miller, Journey, Bad Company, Rush, ad nauseum)

Best signage: "Our ice cream is finger-Lincoln good!"

Best additions to the area: Friar Tuck's liquor store, with selection worthy of a big city; Cafe Brio, a Mexican/Carribean restaurant with the best Ahi I've had since leaving the West Coast two years ago. Starkey and Micah, take note. Everyone else, I know you don't give a shit.

New Lincoln Museum - Disney dreck or compelling exhibit: Leaning toward compelling exhibit, but not immune to the arguments against lowest-common-demoninator history lessons.

A quick stop-over

New Experience: I actually paid for parking in a downtown garage.

New Perspective: At the Art Institute, Sarah got me to see Monet's haystacks from a new - and much more interesting - perspective.

New Epiphany: Louis XIV looks like the dude from REO Speedwagon.

New Baby: Saul Bazer, son of college friends Mark and Gina. I forgot that all newborns look like those Somalian refugees you see on television who can be fed for a month for the price of a cup of coffee.

Jason and Tamara's wedding

Biggest Surprise: The architecture of the art museum is really friggin' cool.

Number of times people mentioned having babies in the wedding speeches: 11

Number of times Tamara's father used the word interregnum in the course of his MC duties: 2

Number of consecutive nightime hours that Asher was sleeping by the end of the trip: 3 (down from his normal 12)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the question is, does Cafe Brio have vegetarian options, or do I have to find another date to take there...

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Micah has one question, I have two...

(1) What was Sarah's new perspective on the haystacks?
(2)Did you never think that Matt Timms looked like Louis the XIV (back when his hair did that)? [Matt, if you're reading this, it's a complement, I swear.]


12:01 AM  

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