Wow, Has It Been That Long?
I'm certainly getting out of the blogging habit, aren't I?
What's new? Let's see...
I'm still trying to hire some solid product managers. We're pretty close with a couple of folks, and should know more this week. If all goes well, more hands will revolutionize my existence.
We're entering the thick of our annual long-range-planning. It's a fairly useless exercise for the business, I've learned. But, it's invaluable in that it keeps Corporate informed about and comfortable with the track that ABC News is on. For those unfamiliar with long range planning, here's what it means: We construct a five-year product roadmap, attach revenue/profit numbers to it, and run it up the flagpole. Hopefully, we will be able to show a scalable business with a healthy profit margin.
Eh. This week's assignment was (more or less) to sketch a campaign strategy for Obama in the General. My response? Run to the right on foreign policy. Remember the missile gap in '60? We've got a security gap.
What's new? Let's see...
Business as usual. We're still consumed by real estate conversations - when we're not cleaning up after kids, or putting on puppet shows, or changing diapers, or disabusing the notion that grown-ups wear diapers during long car trips.
"or disabusing the notion that grown-ups wear diapers during long car trips."
oh- that is funny. Desi is now prone to telling people, "I have a joke. Mama wears diapers," and then cracks himself up. Of course he also insists that is 3 years old and not two.
Anyway, glad to get some updates. I know it is hard when you are so busy.
It is hard to disabuse that notion in light of the fact that a NASA employee wore a diaper on her drive to shoot someone, just so that she wouldn't have to stop.
Hiring people huh? What kind of muffins would you like for your mini-muffin basket(s)?
I actually did something like that with a friend of mine. My sophomore year of college, we sent a mini muffin basket to our journalism professor the week before our final exam (Jerry Zmerski from The Buffalo News). I don't know what she put on the card but she got a better grade than I did.
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