Saturday, September 01, 2007

Parenting Sucks

Leah still isn't sleeping through the night, so we decided to let her cry it out last night.

The good news - She only woke up once.


Little Miss Josephson screamed her head off from 1:15 a.m. until the sun came up and our patience wore out at 6:00 a.m.

We're trying again tonight.

Good times, my friends. Good times.

ImaginaryGirl, how's your newly-acquired-child rearing coming along?


Blogger Shannon said...

working out any better for you?

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope she gets the hang of it soon! Ben hasn't mastered it yet at all -- although last night and the night before we got a 4.5 and 5.5 hour stretch for the first time (the several days before, Ben wanted to eat every 2 hours, and we've otherwise been on a 2.5-3 hour schedule).

Other than the sleeping issue, I'm loving being a mom. I've got diapering down (great, considering I never put a single diaper on any child before Ben was born), can burp him pretty well, and have vastly increased my multitasking abilities. But the primary thing I've learned is that this kid owns me. We operate on his schedule, and he totally knows how to control us. Lucky for him, he's figuring out smiling now, too -- so when he does something not so great (like screaming for an hour, or taking a truly disgusting poop), he can flash a big grin, melt our hearts, and make us all-but-forget about it.

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, you can check out the little one at

6:38 PM  

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