Monday, August 20, 2007

Where Where You When...?

  • Ten years ago this month, Phish performed for two straight days at a festival of their own making in a remote corner of Maine. Called the Great Went, the event marked the end of a long and winding summer tour - my last one with the band. I was at the Great Went with my then standard Phish travel partners - Josh, Giles and Susie. The music was mediocre. I got separated from my friends and lost in the rain for a full twelve hours. And, we had to drive for 30 hours straight to get back to Chicago in time for work. All in all, not the greatest experience. But, an experience nonetheless.

  • Twenty years ago this month, Def Leppard released the multi-platinum LP Hysteria. I was never a big fan of big hair metal, but these guys were the exception. Tom, Dave and I stood on line from 4 a.m. to get tickets to their concert at the Prairie Capitol Convention Center that summer. We went to the show with some Catholic school girls we'd been hanging with. One of them - a thirteen-year-old tramp-in-training named Julie, threw her bra onstage.

  • Twenty five years ago this month, the CD was born. It took me until college, though, to get my first CD (Red Hot Chili Peppers' Blood Sugar Sex Magic). I was a cassette guy through high school, and still have yet to convert some of those old Husker Du, Smiths, and Modern English releases.

  • Thirty years ago, Elvis died. Shortly before that, I allegedly visited Graceland and threw a tantrum because I wanted to play the piano.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Funny - Blood Sugar Sex Magic was my first CD too - purchased in Evanston (was it Davis Records or something like that, on Orrington and Davis?)
    Ten years and a few weeks ago, I was planning to go see a movie with you and Dan Koenig at the old theater on Southport. You bailed and now Dan and I have two kids. Thanks, I think.

    11:15 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ten years ago this month I was in Hoboken, hosting Josh, Giles, and Suzie, as they were on their way up to the Great Went. My Phish travel companions in college, I had fortunately by that time basically stopped listening to the band and had no interest in sharing a chaotic experience in rural Maine with thousands of other people. At least I think that's when Giles, Suzie, and Josh were all in that apartment at the same time. Coulda been nine years ago, come to think of it.

    Twenty-three years ago (or so) was my first cd -- the Go Go's "Talk Show." Still awesome after all these years.

    3:04 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Not only was Blood Sugar Sex Magic my first CD but it was the ONLY CD left behind by the theives who stole my very first CD player out of my car that year. Apparently, they were not Chili Pepper fans. I'm still a little bitter about that break in! I had some great music in my car!!

    8:46 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ten years ago this week, Isaac and I drove to Chickpea's to meet up with Susie and Giles after having quite the trip at a series of Phish shows at Deer Creek, Indiana (the show was amazing, the drive to Hershey not so good). We also just left behind my soon-to-be-lawyer friend who was so freaked out by a bunch of patchoulie-soaked hippies, all he could do was repeat "veggie f--kin' burritos" over and over. Anyway, I felt bad when we couldn't find Isaac in the rain. That was unfortunate. It was a miracle we found him among 70,000 concertgoers in the pre-cell phone era. But I look back fondly at the experience, how I got into Radiohead after listening to OK Computer for the first time on the way to the Went, and how a gift from Andrew almost got us into trouble with border agents (thanks, Hoovie). As for Def Leppard, Oct. 7, 1988, I and that aforementioned attorney friend of mine saw them at the Omni in Atlanta. Best concert ever.

    10:56 PM  

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