Monday, July 09, 2007

The Return

I'm three hours into my post-vacation Monday, and thought I'd dash off a quick blog entry between meetings.

Sarah, Asher, Leah and I spent Tuesday through Sunday with friends at a house on Puget Sound about an hour north of Seattle. There were four other couples, and a gaggle of kids. It was, for the most part, wonderful. We ate well, drank horrible kosher wine (Sarah's friends are observant Jews), took dips in the water, and watched our children spiral into a pit of sleep-deprived madness.

Asher slept in a room with three other boys where he learned words like "tushyface," and stayed up talking until well past his bedtime.

A bit of Delta redux... Fuckers canceled our return tickets when they re-booked us for the flight out to Seattle. It took a lot of cajoling, some well-timed crying (thanks, Leah!), and two full hours to straighten things out. Good thing we got to the airport at 6:30am.

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Blogger Shannon said...

You have me scared to fly Delta now.

Glad it was for the most part wonderful. Every once in awhile I miss Seattle.

5:37 PM  

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