Friday, November 24, 2006

It's Friday afternoon, and my parents are on their third day in town.

They visit from Springfield about three times a year. Park Slope has an assortment of rent-by-the-weekend apartments, and they test out a different one each visit (For interested parties like Amy, my Dad keeps a running list of places, prices and reviews). This time, they're staying a block away on Berkeley Street in a cute garden level rental with DirecTV, broadband and what is allegedly the least comfortable bed in modern civilization.

But back to the narrative. It's Friday. The day after Thanksgiving. As in, the busiest shopping day of the year. My parents - who have an aversion to crowds - thought it would be a good idea to take the subway into Manhattan for a trip to B&H on 34th and 9th. For you out-of-towners, 34th street is the location of Penn Station and Macy's. When I pointed this out to my Dad, he said, "How bad could it be?"

I can't wait to hear about it all.

Meanwhile, Asher's napping. I'm (not really) doing work, and Sarah is (of course) at the office editing an uplifting piece on drug/gang violence in Mexico.

How is your Thanksgiving holiday going?


Blogger journey said...

I look forward to how your parents trip went.
Thanksgiving day-Skiing in the AM, followed by a nap and then a gathering at a friends house for the potluck dinner--a yearly event that includes a great thankful circle--which has seen at least one person burst into tears for the past four years. beautiful, my community and the level of communication we reach--especially when the mulled wine is flowing.
Then over to the desert potluck, where a friend had his turntables set up in the "sugar shack". good times here in central oregon.
happy thanksgiving.

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

B&H on the day after Thanksgiving? Ha! I won't go in there after noon on a weekday, let alone a regular weekend. Notwithstanding the 34th Street crowds... I hope your parents survived in one piece.

... but my Thanksgiving weekend has been lovely, thanks, despite the odeous amount of work I've been trying to get done.

9:05 PM  

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