Friday, November 17, 2006

Sarah and I spent four hours in the doctor's office today for her 20 week sonogram. Everything was fine with us and the baby. It was the people before us that bottlenecked the entire operation. On the bright side, they told us that if we ever needed emergency care, they'd stop the whole world for us, too. Fair point.

Tonight, we're going to a Shabbas dinner hosted by Asher's Orthodox pre-school. On one hand, it will be a lot of fun to see him in action with his peeps. On the other hand, I fear these may be some pretty frum (religious) peeps. I'm always a little nervous when I meet new people who are purportedly very religious. It's not that I expect them to levitate in on a deity-powered beam of righteous light, spouting condemnations and condescensions in my general secularist direction. Not really. I don't expect that at all. Nope.

In truth, religious people are just like everyone else. Get outa town! No, really. I learned that when I met Sarah's family, friends, and larger social circle. Some of them are losers (not Sarah's family, of course. They're all winners). Some of them are neutral. Some of them are snarky British ex-pats raising wicked cool families on the Coast and moonlighting as NPR commentators. Okay, one of them is. But there are, in fact, many religious people that don't have three heads - or one big one for that matter.


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