Monday, September 25, 2006

L'Shana Tova

Ever been couped up for a whole weekend with six kids under the age of ten who aren't allowed to watch tv, listen to music, or color?

Welcome to Rosh Hashanah in an Orthodox household.

Sarah, Asher and I hung out in Forest Hills (the part of Queens where her parents live) for the holiday. Sarah's sisters Debbie and Naomi were there too, as were her brother David, his wife Shani, and their children Eliana (9) Michal (7), Sammy (4) and Yishai (9 months). Sarah's cousin Hilly also came with her husband and their one-year-old. Asher was, of course, right in the thick of things, running around, yelling, and knocking over various things that shouldn't be knocked over.

I love them all dearly, but oh man did the din get to be too much. We are NOT going back there for Yom Kippur.


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