Monday, April 24, 2006

Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago

The moving thing came up again this weekend. Classic reasons - We eventually want more kids than we can fit in our 1,100 square foot apartment. We can't afford to stay in Park Slope. We can't afford to - and we're not sure we want to - move to a nearby suburb, or any suburb for that matter.

Sure, we're at least a couple of years away from being forced to make any sort of decision, but it's great to worry about it now cuz well, I don't have enough to worry about as it is.

Cities currently being discussed:

Washington D.C.

Jobs, social opportunities, proximity to outdoor stuff, and nearness to Sarah's family are also huge factors.

Thoughts, anyone?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My eloquent and learned response --

Philly is great (but slowly getting more expensive). Still far cheaper than NY. Boston is way expensive. I'm not such a fan of Providence. What happened to the NJ discussions???

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

philly--never been

chicago--weather is great for two weeks in the spring, two weeks in the fall, though you'll never be there during those two particular weeks. like the place, hate the weather.


boston--cheers! nah...

providence--quaint, like the tv series, not interested

nothing is affordable. get used to it.

welcome to connecticut!

12:32 AM  
Blogger isaacjosephson said...

Your insights would mean a lot more if you divulged your identity.

Then again, if your knowledge of Boston extends only as far as the carryings-on of Sam and Diane, your other thoughts could be equally as emptyheaded.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We talk about this same thing all the time...
Boston is too expensive for us, and whenever we see shots of Chicago on TV or in movies, we're all "Hey!!! Chicago!!!" and we lapse into wistful silence; Leo is now designing his thesis building and chose a site downtown right on the Chicago River; I had an awesome time living there when I was a kiddo—so guess what my answer is...

Though the weather does stink. And it's not close to Sarah's fam. And "outdoor stuff" comes down to bike riding.


10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cheap flights from chicago to nyc..

11:44 AM  
Blogger Scott Hess said...

No-brainer for me: Chicago is the best city to live in in the world.

3:06 PM  

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