Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Dear Friends/Family/Co-Workers,

I'd like to thank each and every one of you for the link to the matza rap film. I had not seen it since each and every one of you sent it to me last year. Aren't Jewish things funny?

I have some non-Jewish things that are also funny. Have you seen them?

Here's a story about Neiman-Marcus charging someone $250 for a cookie recipe, so the person decided to pass the recipe around the web to everyone. Hah!

And here's a funny animated movie about the President and a guy that's running for President, and how they are singing a take-off on "This Land Was Made For You And Me."

Oh yes, here is a very funny video - another animation of poor quality. In this one, potty-mouthed lads watch on as Santa Claus and Jesus engage in a violent duel that's ultimately resolved by the benevolent and famous ice skater Brian Boitano.

Happy Passover,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, I've got those on auto- delete. I'm actually getting sick of all the attention we're getting lately. Shows on VH-1 about famous heebs, Heeb magazine, some show on TLC called "Shalom in the Home," etc. I fear us losing our indie cred.

3:29 PM  

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