Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Said to me in the past 24 hours:

- "We have a mouse living under our oven!"
- "We're not sure we are going to be able to renew that seven figure contract."
- "This is going to cost the business tens of thousands of dollars to fix."
- "I've reached a boiling point. If you can't help me with this, bad things are really going to happen soon."

On the bright side, I'm going to the Bahamas tomorrow.

That's right, Sarah and I are taking a beach vacation - and without Asher. From Thursday through Sunday, we will be sitting in the sand and sun, accompanied by my college roommates and their wives. Asher is staying with Sarah's parents.

I'll fix all that stuff when I get back.


Blogger Casey said...

Ike, doesn't sound like a fun place to return to after vacation. I vote you have Asher sent to you, and just stay down there. Start a magazine on Sand.

On another note, I just finished my cd, and had a few questions for you about emusic/rhapsody - drop me a note when you have a sec (i don't have your email...)


Good luck, good trip!

7:15 PM  

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