Tuesday, September 13, 2005

(Pull my shirt off and pray / We're coming up on Re-)
Election Day

Today is the Democratic Primary in New York City. I took the day off to vote for…

Mayor: Anthony Weiner

I like him. Always have. Agree with what he’s said and done while in D.C., and like his emphasis on the middle class in New York City. I think he’s got a great combination of vision and ability to get shit done, and I think he would give us a better chance of unseating Bloomberg.

Public Advocate: Norman Siegal

Norman's a longtime ACLU/Legal AID attorney. He was born and raised in New York City and attended public school. Most importantly, he came across as articulate and intelligent in the debate; he appeared to have a well-rounded and in-depth understanding of the issues – especially compared to my original favorite Andrew Rasiej who quickly fell back on empty platitutes like “the future is now” when the conversation shifted away from his technophilic platform.

Brooklyn DA: Arnie Kriss

The incumbent, Hynes, appears to be a slimeball – forces his employees to campaign for him while he lets the violent felony conviction rates dip to the worst among the five boroughs. I honestly don’t know too much about the challengers, but Kriss seems to have the experience: assistant DA, NYPD police attorney, private practice, and so on. Plus, he's the only one in the field without any apparent deep political ties, which means he'll probably lose to Mark Peters who used to be Spitzer’s chief corruption prosecutor. Such is life.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree abot Weiner, after going through his congressional voting record, I like him a lot. as for brooklyn DA......not my concern, I had to vote for a borough president....

btw, you dont' know didn't have to take the whole day off to vote, legally, your company has to give you time off to vote. but if it was an excuse to hang with Asher all day, I can dig it. HOw is my favorite nephew?

2:01 PM  
Blogger isaacjosephson said...

:) I took the day off primarily because I had vacation days to burn.

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unfortunately, he conceeded...felt it was the best for the party.

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bizarre picture of Weiner emerging from the voting booth. Very Citizen Kane. And now I know he "dresses" to the right.

7:53 PM  

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