Thursday, June 09, 2005

In case you missed it, here's yesterday's trifeca of insane instances of corporatism in the Bush administration:

1) State Department documents revealed that Bush pulled out of the Kyoto treaty because Exxon Mobil strongly suggested that it would be a good idea to do so.

2) In the sentencing phase of the long-running suit against big tobacco, the Justice Department inexplicably asked for only $10 billion in damages rather than the $130 billion recommended by the court. In an entirely unrelated story, big tobacco contributed more than $10 million to Republican campaigns in the past three years.

3) The White House official in charge of Environmental Quality was caught editing reports on global warming to make them sound like greenhouse gases were not having a negative impact on the environment. Incidentally, prior to this job, the official was a former lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute - an oil lobbyist.



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