Monday, March 21, 2005

The N.A.A.C.P. is claiming that the Bush administration has sic'ed the I.R.S. on them because they have been openly critical of government policies.

The same article notes that "Roughly a dozen nonprofit organizations have publicly contended that government agencies and Congressional offices have used reviews, audits, investigations, law enforcement actions and the threat of a loss of federal money to discourage them from activities and advocacy that in any way challenge government policies, and nonprofit leaders say more are complaining quietly.

Two examples cited are the Advocates for Youth organization, which operates programs that educate teenagers about reproductive health (ie, birth control), understandibly attracting the ire of Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, and the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials who were ordered by Senator Inholfe (R-OK, chairman of senate public works committee) to hand over tons of financial records just three days after they criticized the Bush administration's now-stalled Clean Skies act.

I want my country back.



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