Friday, December 09, 2005

I'm sitting in the living room this morning, and I notice that Sarah has carted home one of those free baby magazines that litter our neighborhood. American Baby, this one's called.

At first, I scorn it as just another vehicle to push baby products on susceptible new Park Slope parents. Then, I see the article teasers on the cover:

"Can you prevent the next ear infection?"

Hey, Asher's last one was a doozy. I'd love to find out how to prevent the next one.

"A timeline for talking"

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Isn't it time for Asher's "mamas" and "dadas" to start meaning something?

"How to get two kids into one bedroom"

Don't get any ideas, but this is something Sarah and I are talking about. We do eventually plan to have another, and we have nowhere to put it.

Shit. I am the target demo for this magazine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, doesnt anybody comments...?
Here's a hand from a portuguese friend, isaac

7:25 AM  

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