Wednesday, May 11, 2005

In the News (mine and the Nation's)...

Here's a hodge-podge of items for this beautiful, sunny Spring morning - one political, two music and one fitness:

1. Former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge told USA Today that contrary to the official story put out, his department was not responsible for last year's frequent Code Orange terror alerts, and that he personally disagreed with many instances in which the country was put on heightened alert. Now, this is especially disturbing for two reasons: It's a confirmation that the Bush Administration was indeed playing politics with our national security (remember, those Orange alerts came whenever Bush was suffering in the polls during the run-up to the election). It also cost local communities millions of dollars, since every time the terror alert was raised to High/Orange, they were required to spend extra money putting temporary security in place.

2. I'm pretty psyched at yesterday's crop of new releases: Spoon (Pixies-inspired indie rock), Lucinda Williams (alt. country) and Ali Farka Toure (African) are all waiting in my Rhapsody new release playlist. So far, I'm halfway through the Spoon record, and it sounds even better than their last.

3. Yahoo just released a beta version of their new digital music subscription service - at a third the price ($4.99) of the competition (Rhapsody, Napster). Holy moly! Too bad their billing system is down right now, and I can't check it out.

4. In my latest attempt to squeeze in some real exercise, I got up at 5:15 a.m. this morning and went for a run. Jesus, that sucked.



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