Thursday, October 27, 2005

Warning: Conspiracy Post!!!

Supreme Court nominee Harriet Meirs has been attacked from both the left and the right for her sheer incompetence. One Republican was quoted saying that every time she spoke with senators, she made herself look worse. She failed to complete the standard nomination form and the judiciary committee sent her back to revise it. Unprecedented, right? Well, seems that she blew the deadline for the revised form. Unbelievable, right?

Sarah and I both kind of think that the Harriet Meirs Supreme Court nomination could be a ploy. The Senate knocks her off. Bush nominates a true right-wing nutjob with impeccable Christian credentials, and the Democrats fold because they cannot block a sitting President's second nominee.

On the other hand, this could be another Bernie Kerick move (Remember him - The nominee for Homeland Security Secretary who turned out to have mob ties, questionable finances and multiple affairs?). The Administration could be so boneheaded and so awash in hubris that they honestly thought they could push Harriet Meirs through.

Conspiracy vs. Stupidity. My friend Scott would come down on the side of stupidity. Either way, this bunch should not be allowed to run the damn country.



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