Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Beginnings

The first few days of a new job are always a bit dodgy. Aside from the logistical challenges (I'm still trying to figure out how to work the coffee machine), the more neurotic of us are plagued with those ontological questions like, "What exactly am I supposed to be doing?"

The big picture is starting to take shape, though. Despite many undefined specifics, I do know that my first top priority (aside from getting the coffee machine to work) will be to take ABC News digital video from a disparate collection of initiatives into something that's fully integrated, modular and scalable. Beyond that are some more nebulous goals that involve wireless distribution and world domination.

So far, it's okay. No creepy ham & mayo sessions. No Office Space clones. And most importantly, no apparent shortage of levelheaded, seemingly bright individuals who are passionate about their jobs.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Disengage, Engage

Sarah and I left Asher with her parents for three days, and stole away to Long Island's North Fork to celebrate our 4th anniversary.

The North Fork is billed as the more low-key man's Hamptons, with more farm stands and flip flops than boutiques and attitude. It lived up to its billing, though the weather literally put a damper on all outdoor activity. Still, we did manage to get a good hike in on Shelter Island's Mashomack Preserve.

While we were there, my brother Micah and his girlfriend Janet got engaged! They've been dating for nearly as long as Sarah and I have been together, and currently share an apartment on Roosevelt Island. We went there last night to celebrate. The wedding's in April, and they've asked Asher to be the ring bearer.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This is my second-to-last day at NPD.

It's employee appreciation day, and everyone's headed over to Belmont Races where the company has rented out a floor overlooking the track. Room temperature pasta salad and watery beer abound. Contests will no doubt be held, with Olive Garden gift certificates and nail salon coupons flowing like water.

They had another one of these things during my first week at NPD. That one was a picnic - ham and mayo in the grass behind the parking lot with the sweet smell of the garbage dump wafting over from across the street. "Kokomo" was on auto-repeat, blasting out of tinny loudspeakers, and the master of ceremonies was a guy who looked like he'd been scraped off the cutting room floor of Office Space if you overlooked the poorly-fitting Hawaiian shirt.

Two things you should know:

1. NONE of the above is an exaggeration.

2. While I continue to find the whole thing creepy, I do understand that there is something nice about it. The Company is genuinely well-meaning. And in these times, that's hard to come by. "A" for Effort, I say. How many other companies score higher than a "D?"

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Let's review:
  • I start a new job next week.
  • Sarah starts a new job in two weeks.
  • I start school in three weeks.
  • Asher starts pre-school in three weeks.

  • Wednesday, August 16, 2006

    I've been meaning to post something revelatory or insightful about our recent trip to Springfield and Chicago - generally addressing the "You can never go home again" theme. But, time and motivation are slipping away, and really what it boils down to is, "You can't, and doesn't that suck?"

    Now, here's some cheap eye candy.

    My dad and Asher at the piano in Springfield

    Pride of the Illinois State Fair - The Butter Cow (Yes, this is a life-sized butter sculpture of a cow)

    Sarah and a sampling of one of the State Fair's many culinary delights

    ... And, some other goodies to be gotten just off Sangamon Avenue every August

    Monday, August 14, 2006

    Back To Reality

    We're back from our Midwestern tour. Thoughts and pictures will make their way into this space over the next few days.

    Right now, my biggest concern is childcare. Sarah has decided to give that full-time killer career opportunity a trial run in September.

    Problem is, our awesome nanny can only work three days/week.

    This woman has gained our trust and Asher's adoration over the past year. And especially now that Asher's going through a huge separation anxiety phase, it totally kills me to have to throw that away right now.

    I don't know what to do. It's so gut-wrenching. How can you explain to your young child that Mommy and Daddy disappear for ten hours a day, and they will be replaced with a total stranger?

    Thursday, August 10, 2006

    The Boy Who Cried Wolf

    During the run-up to the 2004 election, color-coded terror alerts - and with them, breathless press conferences where administration officials claimed to have thwarted yet another unspeakable plot - were a fixture on the national scene.

    And the more cynical among us noticed that often, these events were timed to coincide with a dip in Bush's poll numbers, or to mitigate a bump in Kerry's (right after his acceptance speech, when Edwards joined the ticket, and so on).

    Of course, the more cynical among us were proven right when Tom Ridge (then, the former Homeland Security Chief) gave an interview last year, and said those alerts came at the direct mandate of the White House, and his organization often did not even know about them until they were announced.

    Now, it's two years later. The Republicans are in danger of losing control of both the Senate and the House. I'm surprised it took them this long, but here we go again.

    Didn't they ever read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf?" How the hell are we supposed to believe them the time that something really is about to happen?

    Wednesday, August 09, 2006

    We're two days into our Midwest tour, and already I'm starting to go stir crazy. Asher hung out with my parents today, while Sarah and I cruised aimlessly around Springfield.

    It's been fifteen years since I last called this place home, and I definitely feel the widening chasm - of time and of that less tangible fabric that ties people to their community. I'm not proud of this widening chasm. It's not a good thing that I no longer feel comfortable anywhere outside a major metropolitan area.

    Friday, August 04, 2006

    Its just before 8.

    As usual, I'm alone in the office, with some good morning music playing at top volume. Today's selection is Bob Dylan's first three records on shuffle, inspired by the Scorsese documentary that PBS aired again last night. By all accounts, Dylan was a mesmerizing character in those early years. And when a master of narrative like Scorsese does the accounting, even a Dylan naysayer like Sarah is drawn in.

    Yes, I married a Dylan naysayer.

    Asher decided to get up at 5am - something he has not done in at least six months. Sarah was inexplicably already awake, so she acquiesced, and the two of them headed out to the front room to build a train station out of legos. I pretended to sleep for another half hour.

    My good college friends Kelly, Kristen and Dana are in town this weekend for Gail's bachelorette party, and are coming over for dinner tonight. Kelly lives in Portland, Oregon, and has never met Asher. Should be fun.

    Next week, we're off to the Midwest to see my parents in Springfield, then catch up with some other college friends in Chicago. It's an ill-timed vacation, given that I'm leaving NPD in a matter of weeks, and everyone's worried about knowledge transfer. But, what can I do?

    Thursday, August 03, 2006

    My division is going to fall well short of budget for the fiscal year.

    The fire department is going door-to-door, asking businesses to conserve energy today in an effort to stop the city from literally bursting into flames.

    Israel and Lebanon are getting shelled to pieces. Hundreds have already died in Iraq, today.

    The Red Sox have lost their lock on first.

    And top-of-mind for me right now is where to buy some cool, new work shoes. I've heard that the DSW in Union Square has a great men's selection.

    This lame duck thing is really nice. Three more weeks until I start the new job.

    Tuesday, August 01, 2006

    Au Revoir Les Enfants

    I quit my job at NPD last week, and it was announced internally today. I'll stay with the company through the end of August, and then resume my new role as Disney/ABC News' director of product management in charge of digital and mobile products.

    Needless to say, I'm thrilled with this opportunity. NPD has been a great training ground, but I'm ready to get back to dealing more directly with the consumer. And it helps that I'm a total news junkie.

    An exciting year, this is shaping up to be!